科宝德测控技术(上海)有限公司• 上海市青浦区振盈路258号3幢 • 电话:021-58362206 • 电子邮箱:info.cn@kobold.com



Dear KOBOLD Friends, Colleagues, & Associates,

As the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus continues to disrupt everyone's way of life, we at KOBOLD Instruments are evaluating the situation on a day to day basis to ensure the safety of our employees and to also accommodate the needs of our customers.

On March 19th, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf ordered non-life-sustaining businesses to close. Companies that manufacture Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments are exempted from this order and can continue physical operations. Due to this exemption, KOBOLD Instruments will remain open and continue to follow guidelines from government and health authorities. KOBOLD Instruments continues to assess the daily impact of this evolving pandemic on our operations and global supply chain and we will make our best efforts to keep our valued partners updated with any changes.

As the health and safety of KOBOLD employees, their families, our customers, our partners, and the community remain our highest priority, we are actively practicing social distancing and are operating with a reduced staff. Other safety measures include a work from home policy where applicable, having sanitizing products readily available, and maintaining a daily deep cleaning procedure for our facility.

We will continue to monitor updates from state government, the CDC, and WHO, and continuously make updates and improvements to our processes and policies to do our part in stopping the spread of this virus.

What else is KOBOLD doing?

  • KOBOLD will provide you with updates regarding your current orders in process and impact on your need by dates based on changes in the supply chain.

  • KOBOLD has suspended all travel to customer and supplier sites and restricted supplier and service provider visits to our facility until further notice.

How should you contact us?

As we continue to monitor and assess the situation, we will do our best to keep you up to date with any new developments. Thank you for your continued support.

Please be safe and stay healthy!

Best Regards,

Peter J Barna
General Manager
KOBOLD Instruments, Inc.



